Product Designer
4 weeks
More and more users turn to other platforms for communication. If we don’t solve this problem now, we will longterm lose and short-term decrease the growing number of users and clients.
Today's people are increasingly busy, receiving more and more emails from different channels daily.
They need a fast, simple and smart email system for private and business concerns to help them write, organize, and manage their emails efficiently.
" Reading replies and writing a lot of emails every day often makes me in a hurry. Do I have to send every email to communicate with customers? "
Annette is a freelancer doing digital marketing. She's 24 and living in downtown London, UK. Annette spends 2-3 hours reading, sorting and writing emails as the primary way of communication with business partners every day.
" I spend most of my time outside taking pictures, so replying to emails is a hassle. But I have to communicate with clients by mail. "
Marvin is a professional landscape photographer based in New Zealand. He's 34 and has two kids. Marvin's daily schedule consists of taking pictures for clients. The only time he can read and reply to emails is at night.
Colors . Typography
Finding what you need quickly is crucial.
That's why we don't want you to waste time categorizing emails into folders or looking for them via search. Tags and keyword scanning result in a filtered view. Your view.
What takes up the most time isn't writing but re-writing your email content.
That's why our auto-created text templates exist. Based on the received mail, your ai assistant writes some drafts. Only choose.
Select your content from templates generated by AI algorithms to quickly build email content. Do you not like it? You can modify them anytime.